Friday, June 30, 2006

Cat Massage

Umm..that's nice. Keep scratching..yeah, there. Right you dumb. Lower....not too low. Up a little bit.....about 35 degrees to the west...yess, right over there..ahhhh...what a in a paradise...yumm..yumm...ngappp..ngapppp......where's my Friskies?

Photo taken from: The Star newspaper

Perlibahasa Hari Ini: Kecik-Kecik Cili Padi

Ini namanya kecil jangan disangka anak, besar jangan disangka bapak. Kecik-kecik racing beskal, sudah besar kutip saman banyak2.....

Itu sahaja pelajaran Bahasa Malaysia kita pada hari ini. :p

Friday, June 23, 2006

Received this funny article in my email today and thanks to the writer, it had made me laughing out loud. :D

Why Did the Chicken Cross The Road? What they have to say.

Kindergarten teacher:

Because it wanted to look for food on the other side.

Sammy Vellu:

kita sude bikin banyak jembatan, itu ayam musti guna jembatan untuk
lintas itu jalan lagi pun kalu itu ayam mau pigi jalan-jalan, beritau sama saya juga, saya bolley buat lebbey banyak toll....itu jambatan mesti ada tahan 100 tahun. Lain kali bole kasi tutup..kita bole survey mana ada rosak.

Karam Singh Walia(TV3):

Seperti yang saudara dapat lihat, kelihatan ayam-ayam itu sedang
melintas jalan. Mereka bukan sahaja melintas jalan, malah membuang najis di atas jalan dan ini adalah pencemaran yang paling hebat di maya ini. Bapa-bapa dan ibu-ibu ayam haruslah mengambil inisiatif untuk melatih ayam-ayam agar menahan najis sewaktu melintas jalan, sekian saya sudahi dengan.........Ayam di jalan di lintaskan; Ayam di reban mati tak makan.

Wan Kamarudin(Edisi Siasat NTV7):

Ape kejadahnyer ini semua, KL dah jadik reban ayam, mak bapak ayam asyik
menganga saje.Ayam semua dah besar kepala,..dan dah tak nak duduk reban...dan bertambah biadap dan buat perkara yg tak masuk dek akal!
Zainal Ariffin Ismail(TV3 Kisah Misteri):

Ada saksi menyatakan yang mereka dapat melihat ayam-ayam ini melintasi jalan-jalan di kampung ini pada waktu malam. Ada yang menyatakan ayam-ayam ini merupakan penyamaran jin. Dan ada juga mengaitkan ia berkaitan dengan peristiwa silam di kampung ini. Apakah sebenarnya maksud tersirat ayam-ayam ini melintas jalan? Oleh itu saya akhiri, "Jangan biarkan hidup anda diselubungi misteri........."

Zainal Alam Kadir(Wayang Kita Astro):

"Ayam siapa kalau bukan ayam kita..."

Sisters in Islam:

We abhor the thoughts of the rooster enslaving the hen, that is why female chicken must be brave and know their rights before they cross the road,....and some cross to escape the master/slave marriage....but this Taliban minded syaria court is no help to the grieving hens...all chicken hens should not vote for IFL!

Abdul Fatah Haron(PAS Rantau Panjang):

Ayam-ayam yg melintas ini semua adalah kerana mereka ayam-ayam yang GATAL......

Md. Said Yusof(BN Jasin):

Apa salah nya...biarkan mereka lintas...tutup sebelah mata ajelah...ayam-ayam terlebih besar sikit shj.Lagi pun semua nya itu ayam saya.
Shahrir Abdul Samad (ex Pengerusi BBC):

Ini adalah prinsip saya. Ayam-ayam tak boleh dibenarkan melintas jalan. Kalau beginilah, maka ia nya bertentangan dgn prinsip saya, maka saya

Bill Gates:

I have just released the new Chicken Office 2000, which will not only cross roads, but will lay eggs, file your important documents, and balance your checkbook. Microsoft will pledge a billion for research on chicken AIDS.

Dr M:

You know, I am tired of all this...'apa-nama' chicken-chicken know that it is our right to build the bridge on our side of the why are we chicken out?

Pak Lah:

Ini semua adalah khabar angin sahaja...jangan percaya khabar - khabar angin ini semua... biasalah ini adalah taktik pembangkang untuk memecah belahkan perpaduan ayam-ayam semua... jangan percaya... we've decided to scrap the scenic bridge for the best interest of the people...nothing to do with chicken. And of course others have the right to express their opinion....ini biasalah.


Dan Brown (Da Vinci's code author):

The chicken used to a member of a secret society Poultry of Sion. The Opus Dei chickens are on its back because of the missing parshments of Les Dossiers Secrets. And they(Opus Dei)are known for their 'corporal mortification' practice.

Richard M. Nixon:

The chicken did not cross the road. I repeat, the chicken did NOT cross the road.

Ronald Reagan:

I forget. But of course this is for their SDI (Strategic Defense Initiative) program if I'm not mistaken.

Bill Clinton :

I've had met so many chicks that like to blow, I can't remember them all...but I like White House intern chicks, like Monica Lewinsky....Ooops I'm sorry Hillary.

George Bush:

These chicken inspector must be allowed to do their job....Let me stress now...their plutonium enrichment program must be stop, and make no mistake, we are not going to tolerate another WMD producing rouge chicken state, they are axis of evil state....and put all our options on the table..

Arthur Andersen (consultant):

Deregulation of the chicken's side of the road was threatening its dominant market position. The chicken was faced with significant challenges to create and develop the competences required for the newly competitive market. Andersen, in a partnering relationship with the client, helped the chicken by rethinking its physical distribution strategy and implementation processes. Using the Poultry Integration Model (PIM), Andersen helped the chicken use its skills, methodologies, knowledge, capital and experiences to align the chicken people, processes and technology in support of its overall strategy within a Program Management framework.

Computer Programmer:

In order for the chicken to cross the road safely they would need more than one driver to access the server farm, if not they will hang in the middle of the road.

Jerry Seinfeld:

Why does anyone cross a road? I mean, why doesn't anyone ever think to ask "What the heck was this chicken doing walking around all over the place anyway?"

Thursday, June 22, 2006

World Cup Dan Kacang

Well...apalah ertinya World Cup tanpa jajan (kata org Johor) atau ngap-ngap (kata geng2 aku).

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Pelanggan vs Sensitiviti Agama

Sherrina menerima cerita ini daripada email. Mula2 tu sherrina ingat ianya hoax tetapi bila bertanya kepada rakan yg bekerja di Carrefour Wangsa Maju, mereka membenarkannya. Ia benar berlaku dan pekerja itu dipecat on the spot.

Saya ingin berkongsi cerita in dengan anda semua mengenai sikap segelintir orang Melayu kita atau lebih tepat lagi orang Islam di Malaysia...

Kejadian benar ini berlaku di Carrefour Wangsa Maju beberapa hari lepas. Seorang pemuda Islam yang berkerja sebagai 'cashier' di pasaraya tersebut telah menumbuk seorang lelaki cina. Ini berlaku kerana ketika pemuda cina tersebut sedang membayar harga barangan, pemuda Melayu ini telah menegur pemuda Cina ini mengenai gambar baju yang sedang di pakai oleh pemuda cina tersebut. Gambar itu ialah seekor babi yang sedang memakai serban di samping seekor anjing yang memakai tudung lambang agama Islam. pemuda Melayu itu bertanya gambar apakah yang sedang di pakai oleh pemuda cina tersebut. Dengan rasa bangga dan tidak bersalah, pemuda Cina itu terus menjawab sambil menunjuk ke arah gambar bajunya dengan mengatakan babi yang memakai serban itu ialah Muhammad dan anjing yang memakai tudung itu ialah Khadijah. Mendengar jawapan lelaki tersebut, pemuda Melayu ini dengan tidak disangka2, menumbuk muka si Cina tersebut.\

Huru hara lah suasana di carrefour itu. Kemudian pemuda Cina itu memaki hamun lalu datanglah Manager Carrefour yang juga beragama Islam lalu memecat lelaki Melayu tadi. Apa yang di lakukan oleh Manager Carrefour tadi adalah satu etika yang patut di contohi kerana, menumbuk org sesuka hati memanglah salah...Tapi malangnya, Manager tersebut bukan hanya memecat pemuda Melayu tadi yang sedang mempertahankan akidah agama Islam, tetapi turut memaki hamun pemuda Melayu itu dengan kata2 kesat.

Pemuda Melayu ini pulang dengan keadaan hampa. Bukan kerana di pecat, tetapi turut di maki hamun oleh saudara seislam yang di sangkanya akan turut manjaga maruah orang Islam selepas di hina oleh lake Cina tadi.

Sekarang ni pemuda Melayu ni sedang menunggu untuk di saman oleh Cina tersebut. Beliau bukan takut malah tidak sabar2 untuk menunggu di saman oleh Cina tersebut kerana beliau ada alasan yang kukuh kerana bertindak demikian.

Pengajarannya, sikap pemuda Melayu tadi memang patut di contohi kerana ingin menegakkan agama Islam.

Pada anda, berhati2 la..kerana saya percaya, tshirt yang di pakai oleh Cina tadi adalah salah satu strategi orang2 kafir untuk menjatuhkan maruah Islam. Sebarkan kepada saudara2 Islam kita.

Setelah bertanya kepada kawan2 yg kerja Carrefour Wangsa Maju, kejadian ini memang benar berlaku. Sungguhpun pekerja lain tidak berpuas hati tetapi mereka tidak mampu berbuat apa. Apa agaknya tindakan yang diambil kepada pemuda yang menghina agama kita itu? Pekerja yang bersalah telah menerima hukuman, pemuda itu? Takkan lepas begitu sahaja. Semoga Allah memberi ganjaran kepada pemuda itu yang berani mempertahankan agama sekalipun akhirnya kehilangan kerja :(

Updated: Harakahdaily melaporkan ianya hanya dakwaan tanpa asas. Samada kisah ini benar tetapi disenyapkan ataupun rekaan, hanya Allah yang mengetahui. Dalam dunia serba moden ini manusia sanggup buat apa saja untuk menjaga periuk nasi mereka. Anggaplah kisah di atas sebagai iktibar bahawa jika sekalipun ianya tidak berlaku, tidak mustahil ia boleh berlaku.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Demam Bola Dan Bikin Wang

Siapa kata demam bola sebenarnya merugikan? Ya, memang le merugikan bagi sapa yang sampai tolak projek/job semata-mata nak menonton, atau yang amik cuti atau yang berbelanja besar membeli stok2 kacang dan air tin. Tetapi dalam demam bola, ramai yang bijak mengambil kesempatan. Tak caya, gi check pasar malam atau mana2 yg menjadi tumpuan penonton bola (kedai mamak dengan skrin besar). Tentu ada yg bukak bonet kete jual jersey bola ciplak, jual bandana, jual kain rentang dll.

Wah, sapa kata manusia aje pakai jersey. Jersey versi anjing pun bleh bikin duit tau..

Mak aihhhh.....macam-macam perisa roti canai mengikut pasukan bola.

Pen drive anda kini tak perlu bogel lagi. Ia boleh bergaya dengan jersey bola juga.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to my Walid....hadiah lambat sket aaaa, poket gersang lah...hehehe..

Monday, June 12, 2006

Mahu Wang Yang Banyak?

Mak sherrina yg ceritakan mengenai bisnes ni pada sherrina. Ia semacam bentuk pelaburan, dan serious.....selepas mendengar seluruh cerita, sherrina bukannya terpesona tetapi ketawa terbahak-bahak Mr. Green

Alkisahnya begini. Kawan mak sherrina contact mak sherrina. Katanya ada pelaburan bagus. Dikatakan di Indonesia pada zaman dahulukala sebelum Sukarno memerintah Indonesia, raja-raja Indonesia khuatir harta-benda mereka yg bertimbun2 tu akan dirampas. Maka, Sukarno mempelawa raja-raja menyorokkan harta2 tersebut disuatu tempat. Bertahun-tahun lamanya harta itu terbenam didalam tempat itu sehinggalah ke hari ini.

Dikhabarkan bahawa pihak penjaga harta itu mengisytiharkan akan mengeluarkan harta2 itu (keturunan raja2 tu entah ada lagi ke tak, tatau le) dan dikatakan disebabkan terlalu lah banyak reta-reta itu, maka ia perlu dizakatkan. Dan berita gembira pun muncul. Bahawasanya, sebahagian zakat drpd harta karun itu akan diberikan kepada rakyat MALAYSIA!! Syukur...syukur......2 pak lebai mana ntah masuk ke Felda2 dan kampung2 menjaja pelaburan ini. Seandainya anda melabur RM1000 utk menguruskan proses penerimaan zakat harta karun itu, nescaya anda akan diberi pulangan RM20,000! Wow!!!!

Mak sherrina sebagai seorang pelabur BSKL dan banker keluarga kami hanya mendengar dan menolak pelawaan itu dengan baik. Lucu? Memang, kami sekeluarga gelak gila. Kalau sungguhpun benar ada harta itu, kenapa perlu dizakat kepada rakyat Malaysia sedangkan Malaysia yg dok hantar bantuan ke mangsa gempa bumi di Indonesia. Orang Indon pula berbondong-bondong datang ke Malaysia mencari pekerjaan.

Dan jangan terkejut pula, ramai lah sangat orang2 kita yang meleleh air liur mendengar dendangan mimpi indah ini dengan segera membuka dompet masing-masing dan menghulurkan seberapa wang yang ada (yg selama ni ikat le perut menyimpan utk kecemasan dll) dengan harapan dapat pulangan berguni-guni kelak.

Betapa manusia mudah tunduk kepada wang mudah, wang terpijak.

sherrina: nak cari le kat belakang umah kot2 ada harta karun!

Thursday, June 08, 2006

I Not Stupid Too

Yesterday I went to my usual video rental store to return the VCDs that I rented few days ago. As I looked at the shelf for new movies, I saw a Singapore VCD called I Not Stupid Too. I thought I've seen the first part (I Not Stupid)somewhere in the store but never attracted to rent it out until I saw the second series. Looks good, I picked a copy of it and another movie to accompany me at night while it's still school holiday.

After a good shower, I picked up the movie and watched it on my laptop. It was about 2 hours and 30 minutes movie and I was impressed with the message as well as the storyline. I never knew our small neighbour could come out with such pretty good movie. The most important part, the message of the movie which I hardly seen in any of our local movies yet.

The story is a wholesome story. It touch every single group of people around us. Parent, siblings, teacher, schoolmates, colleagues....almost everyone. The story is about how a simple praise can change a human being's life. The story is about two different family. A hardworking parent who can afford to get everything for their two boys, a high school and a primary school boy. The kids felt neglected and low self-esteem because the parent hardly praise them. They only know how to blame the kids and only know how to find the kids' fault without seeing the good side of the kids. The big bro turned into a gangster group who he thought will be with him no matter good or bad. Then the other family, a poor father with a high school boy who only teached his boy with kick and fist. Praise? Once when the boy was 2 years old.

This movie is not only prejudised on one side, but it tried and managed to show on every aspect of every side. The student itself has its own fault, no respect for the teacher and not even thanked the poor teacher who gave free Mandarin dictionaries to them, broke the school rules (keeping porno VCD, bring mobile phone to school). The teacher who refuse to change and adapt with the current way of teaching, living and understanding. He only believed his old way, the way he learnt from his teacher was still relevant in todays' life where else we know time have change so does the method of approaching the students.

The school principles who only follow the law, the rules without able to think how it could affect the student's life. For example, the poor boy was expelled from the school. Okay, he did wrong. But they can't just expelled him without planning what will he do next. The poor father who could not read or write in English had to asked a friend of him to write a letter and handcopied it 300 times to be given to each school in Singapore to begged them to accept his son but all refused because of law, rules blablabla. When the poor boy turned to so-called brotherhood gangster, should the boy be blamed again? The poor boy and the rich kid both turned to the brotherhood whom they thought will accepted them more than their own parent. It was true at the begining, but towards the end its the group who backstabbed at them.

Many current and relevant issues were brought up in this movie. Should a student who commited offence be punished by caning him/her in front of the whole school? Will it teach the others not to follow the bad student's behaviour? Will the students who witnessed the punishment learn the lesson by watching the punishment? How should a busy parent raised their children in the fast pace world? Is money more important than family? Should parent be blamed for their kid's bad behaviour? Or should it be the school and teachers' responsibility?

So many issues which are regularly discussed in our society is being presented in this movie. This is a one movie that makes me think a lot about my role in the society, in the family compared to other movies that I had watched before. This movie should be watched by everybody. This is what I called a wholesome movie.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

World Cup Fever.

The men said:

The women replied:

Happy World Cup :p

Source: The Star

Monday, June 05, 2006

Fancy A Pet?

Is you son or your daughter begging you to get them a pet? It's normal for kids to adopt a pet. May I suggest you pet that could be suitable for your kids?

Famous choice: A cat cute and lovely :)

Second choice: A puppy or a dog adorable. I wish I can have one.

Third choice: A rabbit

Cute? Yes. But don't let the cat near it or it will turn into the cat's snack.

Cute and cuddly and they make fine dinner too (rabbit burger...yummy!)

Too boring with the above choices? Want something exotic, different and perhaps scarier? May I introduce you to a new pet which soon will be widely accepted (haha)....

Get it in you nerest pet store. Don't forget to ask information on how to take care of this pet because it can get pretty wild if it is left in hunger. :p

Updated: A The Star reader send a response to Nurindah's article on Book Vandalisme.

Ahhh...Just What I've Been Looking For

Ada sapa-sapa nak join? Takyah keluar duit beli game Monopoly, Scrabble, Cashflow 101 yang mahal-mahal tu. Bleh main kat sini. It's a good alternative for teenagers besides cybercafe and malls.

Great Articles

Jalan-jalan cari makan memang menyeronokkan. Apatah lagi dapat peluang melihat negeri orang, memang best. Kenangan dok Australia masa umur 11 tahun dulu terkesan sampai ke hari ini. Hinggakan last week dapat berhubung dengan telefon dengan cikgu yang mengajar sherrina masa skolah di Canberra dulu. Cikgu tu datang ke Malaysia dipelawa oleh MELTA, organisasi pendidikan Bahasa Inggeris sebagai bahasa kedua untuk membentangkan kertas kerja. Sayang sekali tak dapat ke Terengganu untuk jumpa dengan beliau, dapat bercakap di telefon sahaja. Harap-harap dapat jumpa tahun depan sebab katanya tahun depan Malaysia jadi tuan rumah untuk persidangan antabangsa mengenai pendidikan.

Berbalik kepada cerita travel, ada ketika sherrina rasa lebih rela membaca sahaja cerita dan pengalaman orang-orang yang rajin travel daripada pegi dan rasainya sendiri kerana ada pengalaman2 yang ngeri dan mencemaskan. Macam dalam artikel Travel di The Star hari ini:

Click to enlarge.

Pengalaman oleh penulis tersebut di Mexico err...sememangnya ngeri. Bagai telur di hujung tanduk. Kalau camtu, rela baca ajelah cerita pengalaman daripada pergi sendiri dan mengalaminya....ngeeee.....

Friday, June 02, 2006


I read this small article in my favourite column in The Star dated today:

Tengok le apa Editor tu reply. Buat potong stim aje. Aku pun dah cuak nak tgk apa yg Bruce MacKinnon tu cakap. Ni memang editor mentality spoon feed nih...hampeh laaa. Potong stim sungguh!!!

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Who said prison is bad?

I guess the prison's condition is better nowdays. I mean, if not why this guy wanted to stay longer in the prison. Hey, they even have computer courses there. Pretty cool, eh. Free food, free room and free computer course. Why should you complaint?

Source: The Star

Say no to AEON

Have you seen this ads in newspaper or the people approached you when you are shopping in Jaya Jusco?

You might wanna avoid this 'Ah-Long' style credit card. Don't believe me? Read the people's complaints and opinions. I'm sure will say NO to such services.

Click here to read.

Scientist invents Harry Potter invisibility cloak

Wo hooo....remember in the Harry Potter movie (could not recalled which episode) where Harry tried to use the magic map which plotted every moment in the castle and when he walked through the library, suddenly he saw Professor Snape's movement and quickly pull out his invisible cloak and put it around him. I think Professor Snape almost caught him.

He used it again when he sneaked out to the nearby village with Ron and Hermione. They had drinks at one of the cafe. Harry used the cloak to teased Malfoy and his friends by hitting their back without them able to see him.

Enough about Harry Potter. Now, the best part the invisible cloak could become reality. Check the article from The Star dated today:

The BBC news also reported the same thing.

Quoted from BBC:

A Japanese clever-clogs has brought the magical world of Hogwarts one step closer!

Professor Susumu Tachi of Tokyo University has made a coat that you can see through just like Harry Potter's invisibility cloak.

The picture on the coat is made by a viewfinder which puts together the moving images which are behind the wearer.

Completely see-through

Daniel Radcliffe, the Harry Potter actor.
Harry Potter's not the only one with an invisibility cloak!

The Japanese scientist hopes one day he'll be able to make you completely see-through.

This should help people like surgeons who would like to be able to see through their hands when they are operating.

But we reckon it would be best for sneaking round school corridors when you're meant to be in your house dorm!



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