Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Jawapan kepada teka-teki

Aiseh, takde yang dapat menjawab dengan tepat kepada teka-teki yang Sherrina post sebelum ini. Soalannya berbunyi begini:

There is a bus with 7 girls inside,
Each girl has 7 bags
Inside each bags, there are 7 big cats
Each big cat has 7 small cats
All cats have 4 legs each
How many legs are there altogether in the bus?

Beginilah jawapannya:
7 girls' legs = 7 girls x 2 legs = 14 legs

Each girl has 7 bags, therefore: 7 girls x 7 bags = 49 bags

In each bags there are 7 big cats: 49 bags x 7 cats = 343 big cats

Each big cat has 7 small cats: 343 big cats x 7 small cats = 2401 small cats

All cats: 343 big cats + 2401 small cats = 2744 cats

Each cat has 4 legs: 2744 cats x 4 legs = 10976 legs

TOTAL LEGS : 10975 cats' legs + 14 girls' legs = 10990 legs

Tak caya, leh check jawapan kat sini. Sapa yg tak dapat jawab, meh masuk kelas tuisyen aku. Tak mahal, RM50 je sejam...muehehehe....

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