Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Chicken Soup

Yes, I know. Chicken soup is indeed yummy. But I find that the Chicken Soup series is a whole lot more yummy.

I read the first book about a month ago. Accidentally found it in the local Wangsa Maju library. It was Chicken Soup For The Unsinkable Soul . There were many inspiring stories, it helps to lift up my spirit after the sudden news of job termination in November. If you need a book that can lift up your spirit and look ahead in positive way, this is one of the book.

Then I grabbed the Chicken Soup For The Kids. Wow...I just can't put down the books. Very aspiring stories and it does help me a lot to understand kids better since I work with kids and teens everyday.

After the two books, I couldn't wait for the next library visit. I went there yesterday and grabbed 4 books of Chicken Soups. The books are:

Chicken Soup for the College Soul

Chicken Soup For The Preteen's Soul

6th Bowl of Chicken Soup for the Soul

and Chicken Soup for the Golden soul, I borrowed it specially for my mom

Woohoooo.....that should be more than enough to accompany me for the next few weeks

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