Monday, November 03, 2003

3 November 2003
For the past two days I've been meeting students and parents where I had been working with for the past 10 months. Sigh....gonna miss those kids. Next year they will be in primary school and some of them promise to come and continue their lessons at our place. Hope they will do that.

It was raining heavily yesterday. Worst part, the car air cond was not working and so does the thing that clears the mist at the screen. I had to drove really slow coz the sight distance was about 50 metre only. Luckily I managed to arrived home safely. But I had really bad headache. 2 pills of 500mg Paracetamol helps me to get a good sleep and today, the headache still there a bit. The rain must be really acidic. Luckily the river nearby wasn't clogged or will be flood. I am tired enough and I don't need flood to makes me even more tired.

Found this nice article for those who uses cellphones. Malaysian people with malaysian ethiquette. I've been watching movies at TGV for so many times and yet I can't recalled a single movie without the interruption from handphone ringing. Is it so difficult to make it silent or silent with vibrate?

Personal Space Invaders
Cell phone use in public places

The cell phone has become a ubiquitous part of the landscape in most cities. It seems that everywhere we look, somebody is talking on a phone, usually in a louder than normal voice and in a conversation that we would just as soon not have to hear. Does everyone within earshot really need to know that the laxative a total stranger took about an hour ago still hasn't kicked in?
In the name of technology and convenience, we have sacrificed civility and good manners.

When using your cell phone, keep these things in mind:

1. You don't have to yell.
Cell phones are designed for conversation at normal volume levels. You don't have to speak loudly to be heard. Talk as you would on any other phone.

2. Respect the personal space of those around you.
Although there seems to be at least one voyeur in almost every crowd, most people wouldn't intentionally eavesdrop. But even those who don't want to hear your conversation become a captive audience when trapped in the confines of a taxi or other close quarters. Be merciful. Keep your voice low or turn the phone off.

3. Private conversations should be kept private.
You know how uncomfortable you feel when you see a couple making out on the train? It makes you want to tap one of them on the shoulder and tell them to just get a room. The same is true of intimate and intensely personal phone calls that may make those around you feel uneasy or uncomfortable. Be considerate of those around you and return the call at a more appropriate time.

4. There's enough stress in the world already.
People don't want to hear you yell at your kid, fire an employee, argue with your spouse or scream at the guy who worked on your car. If you need to get angry or raise your voice, then please find some place else where others won't have to hear you do it. Otherwise, keep your conversation polite and your voice low. Watch the people around you for cues. If they begin to stare or back away then you probably need to either lower your voice or get off the phone. The more crowded the area, the quieter your voice should be.

5. Don't keep others waiting.
The people who are standing in line behind you at the ticket counter don't want to wait for you to finish your conversation. Put the phone down and take care of business. Turn the phone off if a call might interrupt what you need to be doing, especially if taking a call would be inconvenient for those around you.

Proper cell phone etiquette provides security, efficiency and convenience for you without inconveniencing those around you. Be a responsible cell phone user by being considerate of others.

source: Cell-Phone Etiquette

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