Tuesday, October 25, 2005

ape pulak main tag-tag nih? permainan baru ke? ada2 ajelah ko, faruq . Well, here it goes:


7 things I can do:
  1. main PC games non stop selama 6 jam (more than that, kaput)
  2. Kelentong orang (sori le pada kengkawan yg slalu sgt senang2 kene kelentong ngan aku)
  3. work closely with children (better than working with adult)
  4. Lepak di Kinokuniya sorang2 untuk habiskan 1 buku
  5. Derma darah
  6. Swimming, diving and snorkeling
  7. Photographying interesting event, scenery, person or object

7 things I cannot do:

  1. Exercising (liat bebeno)
  2. Keje ngan gomen (I can't stand with the punch card system)
  3. Menulis dengan tangan kiri
  4. Sepak bola dengan kaki kiri
  5. Makan sambil duduk bersila dan pinggan diatas lantai (kalau makan style ni, kene angkat pinggan. kalau tak, lantai le yg makan nasi)
  6. Pakai high heel (sakit tumit, sakit pinggang)
  7. Bawak motor (gayat tapi nak amik lesen motor)

7 things I plan to do before I die:

  1. Bertaubat sepenuhnya memohon keampunan dibersihkan dari segala dosa
  2. bayar segala hutang piutang
  3. menunaikan haji
  4. jadi bilionnaire dan bina pertubuhan kebajikan sendiri
  5. round the world
  6. join team National Geography amik pengalaman photographying

7 things that attract me to the opposite sex:

  1. brain
  2. character
  3. sense of humor
  4. non-smoker
  5. heart
  6. sensitive
  7. look (who can deny)

7 celebrity crushes:

  1. Dennis Quaid (after watching him in The Day After Tomorrow)
  2. Ashraf Sinclair (after 1st time watching him in Gol & Gincu)
  3. Nicholas Saputra (I even order vcd of his movies directly from Indo coz it's not available in Malaysia)
  4. Dian Sastro (I've have the collection of all movies acted by her)
  5. Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter)

7 often repeated words:

  1. Ci***ak (sorry, some curse words for idiot drivers)
  2. sorry...sorry...sorry...(lambat dtg, terlanggar org waktu berjalan dll)
  3. ohhh...okay..
  4. nanti le fikir dulu
  5. aku no hal
  6. on the way, dah nak sampai dah ni (bila janji nak jumpa ngan org tp lambat)
  7. sukatilah, gua belasah aje

7 tags (buat-buat, jangan x buat!):

(payah gak nak cari 7 org coz blog2 yg dlm bookmark aku mostly yg story hal2 serious aje. no hal, korang leh lawat blog2 dorang ni....kira mcm buat promo blog le....cheewah)

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